The grassroots campaigning would lead to victories in 2006 and
The primary reason why it was essential to draft the Articles of Confederation was that the colonies needed a unified government in order to sign treaties and organize a defense force.
There are basically two basic premises for defining progressive intellectuals: first, the modern government must be guided by" science "and not by politics itself; and, second, an industrialized economy must have close supervision and regulation. of the visible hand of the modern administrative state. Power must be concentrated in a bureaucracy of “anointed ones”, capable of leading the nation towards progress, based on science.
The legacy of" progressivism ", therefore, is that of a more and more leaderist, interventionist and bloated state, dominated by the" tyranny of specialists ", who have completely lost touch with the reality of the population.
The policy of allotment helped numerous American Indian
families, as each family received one hundred and sixty acres of land for the
purpose of farming. The Dawes Act or the General Allotment Act of 1887 gave the
power to the American President to survey the tribal lands and divide them
among the tribal’s for the sole purpose of farming and improving their
lifestyle. The main reason behind this land allotment was that the tribal’s
used very backward method for the purpose of cultivation of crops.
i dont know what this is bubble guppie