thank you deary!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, people have to sneak across the border a lot more and are immigrating for a better life. But, 100 years ago, the regulations weren't as harsh and people were escaping their country for survival/
First, make sure to review the material you have already learned, slowly lean into the new material, making sure you cover everything thoroughly
D. look up the unfamiliar word in a dictionary to check its meaning.
Context clues will always provide hints with regard to helping readers figure out what a word or term means. However, after figuring out what a word means based upon context clues (which should only be considered the first step), what you should do is look up the word in question. This should be done so you could check your interpretation as well as help you commit the new word or term to memory.
Peru is a country, therefore, it is not an abstract noun. It would be classified as a proper noun since it is named.
Abstract nouns are nouns that are unable to be detected with the senses. Concepts like feelings, birthdays, and freedom are abstract nouns.