Primary elections, often abbreviated to primaries, are a process by which voters can indicate their preference for their party's candidate, or a candidate in general, in an upcoming general election, local election, or by-election.
The hunter gatherers today are different from the ones in the Paleolithic age due to the fact that we are much more advanced technology wise. Even if we’re talking about the amazon tribes they’ve had hundreds of years to advance the way they make their weapons. But they are also similar when it comes to the gathering aspect (I don’t know this 100% so may want to fact check it)
The Greeks/Athenians only lost around 192 men, whilst the Persians lost around 6,400 men.
Just read the steps
Banks work by paying its customers to lend them money. The depositing customer gains a small amount of money in return (interest on savings), and the lending customer pays a larger amount of money to the bank in return (interest on loans). To make money for itself, the bank keeps the difference.