Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death. His martyrdom was witnessed by Saul of Tarsus, also known as Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become a Christian apostle.
<span>(C) is the most correct answer. The Stamp Act was one of the first times that colonial women were moved to take action. The Act, which placed a duty on all mailed material, was seen as an imposition of the monarchy's powers upon the new colonies and was also considered and overreach due to the lack of permission given from the colonies.</span>
In the late 19th century, "Nativism" as a political and social movement swept through the United States. its followers believed that all people who were not born in the U.S. and were of European heritage should be banned from the country.
In the nineteenth century the number of Irish immigrants in the eastern United States grew, and the number of Germans in the Midwest. Irish potato famine and economic instability in Germany caused nearly three million people to reach the United States. Many of these people were Catholic. American Protestants, mainly in urban areas, felt threatened by newcomers. For many, the Catholic Church represented tyranny and subjugation to a foreign power. On a practical level, competition for jobs increased as new workers arrived. As anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic sentiments emerged, nativist groups began to form in cities across the United States.
The best-known nativist movement in the United States emerged in the decades before the Civil War. It was the American Party, better known as Know-Nothings. This movement was a reflection of the difficult times facing society in the nineteenth century. The nation faced the serious conflict over slavery and westward expansion.
This anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States has a history that goes back to the first laws of naturalization. For example, it is important to know that laws were made that established that only those white European immigrants were eligible for naturalization. The nativists of the <em>Know-Nothings</em> movement opposed the entry of German and Irish immigrants in the mid-19th century. In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Law prohibiting Chinese immigration to the United States.
<span>1. Define republic, patrician, plebeian, imperator, Christianity, clergy, laity.
Republic: The state of power rests on citizens
Patrician: A person of high ranking
Plebeian: A person that is part of the 'common people'
Imperator: an absolute ruler
Christianity: a religion
Clergy: A body of ordained persons in a religion
Laity: a body of religious worshipers
12 tables: The foundation of all other laws for the Roman legislation
Law of nation: All citizens are protected under all laws.
I don't know what 5 means sorry
Romans were able to obtain large amounts of slaves through 1) conquest, when they conquered and enslaved other people, through 2)debt, where a person goes and works for a the loaner for a certain amount of time. Slaves were used to help do everyday chores and labors, such as helping out at the house, going to the well to draw water, etc.
Greek: Start of the Olympic games; Came up with the alphabet; had the first idea of democracy; common people elect a leader; had juries made up of common people, etc; used marble; made the column; making sculptures of real people; invented "symmetrical".
Roman: Invented numeral system; apartment uses & welfare systems; planetary names; invented concrete; invented aqueducts and sewers; built roads that were connected together and still used today.
these are just a few things that the two civilizations gave us today
8) Gladiator fights, chariot races, the one where humans fought animals (forgot the name), etc
hope this helps</span>
Donald Trump is the 45th president and is currently 72 years old.
His birthday is June 14, 1946
Hope this helps! :3