True. The acronym for service set identity is SSID, which you've likely saw before. And like you say, it's simply the unique name given to a wireless network so that we are able to identify what network we are connecting to.
Let the function be Node* ins(Node *root,int k)
if root node is NULL then return new node with data equal to k.
If the k <root->data
else if k >root->data
root->right =ins(root->right,k);
At last return root.
Node is always inserted at the at the leaf node.We will search k in the tree if we hit a the leaf node the new node is inserted as the child of the leaf node.
I Think You Could Go To Settings And Change It
I Think This Helps
Answer:CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is a system for managing customers and their needs.
Collaborative CRM
The system described here involves communication between different departments and exchange of customers data and information. This is typical of collaborative CRM software