Midland County has become a major thoroughfare for distributors of crystal methamphetamine. Sheriff Johnson has put together a p
rofile of meth dealers and distributors, specifically identifying their tendency to travel by motorcycle or older-model van, and noting they often sport tattoos and facial hair. He has instructed his deputies to be on the lookout for people matching this profile. When challenged, Sheriff Johnson explained that the goal of protecting society by interdicting illegal drugs outweighs the inconvenience suffered by innocent people who may be stopped and harassed. This explanation represents which ethical system
Utilitarianism could be described as a theory of morality where an action is advocated to yield happiness against an action which would cause unhappiness or danger. It is considering the greater good despite trampling on some few bad who are against this goodness.
The actions of the Sheriff is viewed as an Utilitarianism, where he tracks down illicit drug dealers for the safety of the society at large.
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