<span>Sir Walter Raleigh, John Cabot, Henry Hudson, and Sir Francis Drake were all famous New world explorers and they were all from British descent. They were British explorers that helped colonize the New World. John Cabot crossed the North Atlantic near Nova Scotia, Sir Walter Raleigh provided backing for Virginia, Henry Hudson discovered the Hudson River, and Sir Francis Drake was the first to pass from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.</span>
"witchs marks" =scars
Or back in the day they used really bizarre evidence like swim tests, where they believed a witch would float with something pulling them down as a symbol that the water is rejecting their body and prayer tests because witches apparently weren't capable of reciting prayers from the bible
Legislative referendum: the governing body alludes a bit of enactment to the general population to either endorse or dismiss it by vote. Mandatory submission – Typically new constitutions must be submitted to the general population for endorsement before they are viewed as sanctioned.
Popular Referendum : The general population may challenge a law as of late go by the lawmaking body. In the event that enough marks are assembled, the law will be put to a vote by the general population who may vote to invalidate the law
La divisoria continental de América (Continental Divide of the Americas), o simplemente la divisoria Continental o Gran Divisoria (Great Divide), es el nombre dado a la principal, y en gran parte montañosa, divisoria hidrológica de América, que separa, a un lado, las cuencas que desaguan en el océano Pacífico, y del otro, primero los sistemas fluviales que desaguan en el océano Atlántico (incluidos los que drenan a través del golfo de México o el mar Caribe), y, después (en la parte norte de la divisoria), los sistemas fluviales que desaguan en el océano Ártico (incluyendo los que desaguan tanto en el Atlántico como en el Ártico, vía bahía de Hudson).
Aunque existen otras divisorias continentales en Norteamérica, la Gran Divisoria es, con mucho, la más destacada, ya que tiende a seguir una línea de altas cumbres a lo largo de las principales cordilleras de las Montañas Rocosas, en Estados Unidos y Canadá, y continúa hacia el sur, llegando a Sudamérica a través de la cordillera de los Andes, y concluyendo finalmente al sur de Tierra del Fuego.