The preterite and imperfect are past tenses in Spanish. Preterite is a definite past tense, representing a situation that had a definite start, duration, and end; finished, completed actions. The imperfect tense is more of an indefinite time period in the past, regarding indefinite time periods, descriptions, and continuous actions in the past.
Vi la película anoche. = I saw the movie last night.
Me gustó la película mucho. = I liked it a lot.
Juagaba videojuegos de niño. = I used to play video games as a child.
Eran las dos de la tarde. = It was two o'clock in the afternoon.
The answer is (b. En Chile las personas se saludan con
un beso en la mejilla.
1. yo 2. el 3. yo 4. yo 5. yo 6. tu 7. yo 8. yo