Es correcto porque:
7x1= 7 y 8x1=8 entonces 7+8=15 y 15x1=15.
7x2=14 y 8x2=16 entonces 14+16=30 y 15x2=30.
7x3=21 y 8x3= 24 entonces 21+24=45 y 15x3=45.
7x4=28 y 8x4=32 entonces 28+32=60 y 15x4=60.
7x5=35 y 8x5=40 entonces 35+40=75 y 15x5=75.
7x6=42 y 8x6=48 entonces 42+48=90 y 15x6=90.
7x7=49 y 8x7=56 entonces 49+56=105 y 15x7=105.
7x8=56 y 8x8=64 entonces 56+64=120 y 15x8=120.
7x9=63 y 8x9=72 entonces 63+72=135 y 15x9=135.
Y así sucesivamente.
It is 12
Doce in Spanish is 12
Hope it helps. =D
Have a great day!
22 in Spanish is veintidós
2 in Spanish is dos
1 in Spanish is uno
1. Química. La tarea.
2. Cerca.
3. Entre. La puerta.
4. Habla. Escucha.
5. La librería.
6. Al lado.
In this exercise there are some missing words you have to complete. To do that you must pay attention to the words around the missing words.
For example:
1. "Computación" is a subject so the missing word could be another subject like "matemática", "química", "física", etc. So the following missing word must be "the homework".
2. In this sentence we require an adverb like "cerca" (near).
3. In this case we require a preposition like "entre" (between) to say "he likes to be between the clock and the door".
4. In this sentence we require the verbs "hablar" (speak) and "hear" (escuchar) because we assume that "hear" and "talk" are things that you do when you are on the phone.
5. In this case "la librería" is the best option owing to the fact that sentence number 6 starts with the noun phrase "la librería" so we assume that both sentences are connected.
6. In this case we require the preposition "next to" because "la librería está al lado de la biblioteca".
The line: Es el mes de agosto. Nieva y hace mucho frio. Hoy voy a esquiar con mis amigos. Estoy en ___. The best answer should be la Argentina. The best months to ski in Argentina is within July to September though the season runs from June to October. It doesn't snow in Cuba and Puerto Rico. In Colombia, there are only few ski resorts and there are no ski lifts.