Answer: Two hydrogen nuclei come together to produce one helium nucleus and two protons, and energy is released.
All stars (including the Sun) at birth begin to fuse two hydrogen nuclei to form helium through nuclear fusion.
In this sense, nuclear fusion is the union of two light atoms, releasing energy in the process, which is the cause of the great luminosity of a star. Especifically, the hydrogen nuclei will begin to fuse, generating helium nuclei in the process and releasing huge amounts of energy.
To unerstand it better:
To shine, the stars transform their hydrogen into helium by means of nuclear fusion. When at half of its life a star is without hydrogen, the nucleus becomes entirely helium and the star declines, becoming colder and brighter due to the energy generated by the nuclear reactions, then the star begins to contract.
Nevertheless, if the star is bigger, this helium will be also consumed and the nucleus transformed in Carbon, then in Oxigen, and so on. Being the last transformation Iron until the star delivers all its energy.
increases, angle, 10 parsec
d: distance in parsec
p: parallax in arcseconds
One parse is defined as distance at which angle subtended by an astronomical body from earth's equator is one arcsceond.
The Tropic of Cancer passes through Taiwan. The capital of Taiwan is Taipei<span>.</span>
The five main latitude regions of Earth's surface comprise geographical zones[1], divided by the major circles of latitude. The differences between them relate to climate. They are as follows:
The North Frigid Zone, between the North Pole at 90° N and the Arctic Circle at 66° 33' N, covers 4.12% of Earth's surface.
The North Temperate Zone, between the Arctic Circle at 66° 33' N and the Tropic of Cancer at 23° 27' N, covers 25.99% of Earth's surface.
The Torrid Zone, between the Tropic of Cancer at 23° 27' N and the Tropic of Capricorn at 23° 27' S, covers 39.78% of Earth's surface.
The South Temperate Zone, between the Tropic of Capricorn at 23° 27' S and the Antarctic Circle at 66° 33' S, covers 25.99% of Earth's surface.
The South Frigid Zone, from the Antarctic Circle at 66° 33' S and the South Pole at 90° S, covers 4.12% of Earth's surface.
Earth's climatic zones
Ice cap
Warm temperate
On the basis of latitudinal extent, the globe is divided into three broad heat zones.