It is true that Dr. Samuel Johnson compiled the first dictionary by using the historical method of research.
They keep people from suffering by having IT control the lives on Camazotz.
They are called "Tercet".
Indirect characterization uses five different methods that combine different elements to reveal a character's personality. To remember these five elements, simply remember the acronym STEAL, which stands for speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions and looks.
The answer is: dangling modifier.
Dangling modifiers are separate from the word they modify, resulting in ambiguity, confusion or nonsense. In the example sentence, it is not clear which animal is walking the wire - whether the dog or the squirrel. Supposing the squirrel (which is about to fall) is walking the wire, a correct version of the sentence would be:
My dog waited for the squirrel to fall, which was walking the wire.