lobes, graphs, diagrams, and aerial and satellite images
diagrams and satellite are image leaning!
The Colorado River is of great importance to Mexico and America. It provides water and energy for people in the U.S. and in Mexico. But the river has become a victim of drought. So the Us and Mexico have teamed up to boost the water levels of the Colorado River. They will do this by funding a few water agencies and temporarily spot taking water out of lake mead.
There you go man
Erosion can cause water in the rivers to become heavily polluted. The water might carry pesticides, heavy metal ions and other toxic wastes. When this water will be used for irrigation purposes, the growth of plants will be heavily affected by them.
When humans use water this contaminated water from the rivers, it will led to many diseases in humans. Also, the wild- life animals which depend on this river might take in toxic compounds due to which they might die.
Population would go down drastically and there would be no next generation x