Courage, its the ability to do something that frightens you. There are many things that you need courage to do like speaking up, trying new things, and facing your fears. Courage is often required to do a lot of things in life. Courage can be a hard thing to express though. Sometimes your fear can bring you down and your too scared to do anything about it. Fear is the chain preventing you from leaving your cell and you need the key of courage to escape. Its hard to show courage because you can be afraid your wrong or will do it wrong, that you won't be good enough, or maybe fear of judgment. People like blending in nowadays, we have to be like everyone else in order to be accepted. That plays well into why we won't stand up and say "Your wrong". People are afraid of failure. What if you stand up to a bully and they start bullying you instead? There are many factors to add in when trying to determine why someone won't stand up for you or why we won't go up on stage and give a speech. Courage is a hard thing to have for most people and a hard thing to find in this world. Not everything is black and white, what's wrong or hard for one person might not for another. If you do have courage, grasp onto it tightly and try not to let go, because only a few people truly know how to posses something as rare as that.
I hope this helps! <em>[Please don't use my exact words because teachers can and some will check. Thank you!]</em>
I think people have such a hard time showing courage especially in the modern world because of the fear of being wrong.
I think people have such a hard time showing courage especially in the modern world because of the fear of being wrong. In youth, things like social media and the internet have shown us that one mistake can ruin an entire life. Also the fact that parents raise their children to prevent them from failing. Failing is usually shamed and looked down upon in society. However I believe that if there were less social stigma against failing there would be a lot less stress in people and youth and courage would be more common as it once was. As Winston Churchill put it “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the one which guarantees all others.” While it is great to succeed we should be teaching people and youth that it's ok to make mistakes and maybe courage would be a lot more common and people wouldn't be so afraid of the future or doing whats right in hard situations.
You can tell because the passage states the thoughts/feelings of multiple characters, while not using "I" or "You" or any other first or second person pronouns.