I am approaching seventy; it is in sight; it is only three years away. Necessarily, I must go soon. It is but matter-of-course wisdom, then, that I should begin to set my worldly house in order now, so that it may be done calmly and with thoroughness, in place of waiting until the last day, when, as we have often seen, the attempt to set both houses in order at the same time has been marred by the necessity for haste and by the confusion and waste of time arising from the inability of the notary and the ecclesiastic to work together harmoniously, taking turn about and giving each other friendly assistance - not perhaps in fielding, which could hardly be expected, but at least in the minor offices of keeping game and umpiring; by consequence of which conflict of interests and absence of harmonious action a draw has frequently resulted where this ill-fortune could not have happened if the houses had been set in order one at a time and hurry avoided by beginning in season, and giving to each the amount of time fairly and justly proper to it.
The tone is Marigolds starts off as a childish tone with free will then at the end with guilt
The denotation could be a scaly, sometimes venomous reptile. On the other hand the connotation could be evil or danger<span>.</span>
Agree to disagree is one of the common rules in discussion or debate. To say disagreement, one should express it politely; by establishing agreement first then stating the disagreement. Agree to disagree is not only expressed at the beginning of a discussion but also during the discussion.
As a student who holds a discussion, giving an opinion and arguing a certain point has to be in “academic” language. It means that, although the tension of a discussion might be increased, and heated, it is always needed to express an argument politely, especially when it comes to stating disagreement. You should politely disagree. It can be done by acknowledging the opponent’s opinion first and then saying your reasons why you disagree. Stating agreement or disagreement also have to be followed by reasons and shreds of evidence.
Here are examples of polite agree to disagree in a discussion by acknowledging the opponent’s ideas and stating the disagreement:
1. I see what you are getting at, but don’t you think that ……..
2. That’s a good point, but how about ………
3. I see what you mean, but …………..
4. I see what you mean, I’m not sure that’s right.
5. That’s a good point, but I’m not sure that’s right.