What happens is the volcanos shoot up from the water leaving a magma form I belive then it dries and turns into what were standing on today
Indian pop
Indian music used to be that was passed down from generation to generation, with sounds such as a snake charmer, but now it is that such of Indian pop, which is highly Americanized, and mainly American songs in Indian. When music, big part of culture is taken over by a different culture, it slowly starts to bleed into other parts of the culture.
Trading blocs.
Or Acronyms.
Russia is the country that is 60 degrees north, 15 degrees east.
Because of their wave movement, P waves travel through any kind of material, whether it is a solid, liquid or gas. On the other hand, S waves only move through solids and are stopped by liquids and gases. ... This also accounts why fewer S waves are recorded than P waves.