sila ay nahirapan sa kanilang kinalalagyan ngayon
This war is known as The Great Roman Civil War (49–45 BC) or Caesar's Civil War and began due to a series of political and military confrontations. Mainly when Ceasar started to be seen as the champion of the common people and began to push a series of reforms. This caused The Senate to begin fearing Ceasar's power and demanded that he turn over all command of his army. Upon refusing to give up his power over his army, he decided to instead march his Army to Rome and attack.
espero que esto ayude,
No soy tan buena en español pero quiero explicar más o menos
Los votantes eligen un tercio de los senadores y cada miembro de la Cámara de Representantes. Las elecciones intermedias ocurren a mitad de camino entre las elecciones presidenciales. ... Las elecciones al Congreso utilizan el voto popular para elegir ganadores. No usan el Colegio Electoral, que se usa en las elecciones presidenciales.
(Además del poder descrito anteriormente, el Congreso comparte poderes con el presidente en asuntos tales como, enmarcar la política exterior de Y el control sobre el ejército. Por ejemplo, mientras el presidente negocia tratados, solo se ponen en vigencia una vez que el Senado los aprueba.)
Not fertile.
Laterite soil not suits for agriculture because it is not fertile soil than can provide essential nutrients needed by the plants. Laterite soil is acidic in nature and also has less water-retaining capacity. The soil of Laterite lacks nitrogen, potassium , urea and phosphoric acid and contains more iron, aluminum, manganese that make the soil not fit for cultivation purposes.