They all have ads. Some have inappropriate ads while some have irrelevant ads with respect to the website your on.
Program p1;
var a,b,c,d : integer; {i presume you give integer numbers for the values of a, b, c }
x1, x2 : real;
write('a='); readln(a);
write('b='); readln(b);
d:=b*b - 4*a*c
if a=0 then x1=x2= - c/b
if d>0 then begin
x1:=(-b+sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
x2:=(-b - sqrt(d))/(2*a);
else if d=0 then x1=x2= - b /(2*a)
else write ("no specific solution because d<0");
writeln('x1=', x1);
The primary
thing to consider when designing a brochure is the target audience.
<span> Brochures are meant to capture attention and
deliver information, so it's important that the audience will want to read it
in the first place.</span>
When planning
the design, consider the placement of elements and how they are arranged, or
the 'white space'. Also take into consideration whether photos will be used. This
ensures readability.
<span>Also plan
for the brochure's color scheme and fonts. These capture the audience so these
are core parts of the design.</span>