Is there any article to read or what is it about
because the real speeling of succeed is succeed not sucede
This one outright states making the world a peaceful place.
.a. the speaker sets the tone for immediacy.
Immediacy behaviours are actions that show warmth, inclusiveness, psychological closeness, openness to interactions and positivity. They can be verbal or non verbal.
Therefore, before a speaker decides to add immediacy behaviours in his speech, he must have set the precedent for it. The speaker needs to prepare his listeners before he tries to communicate warmth and psychological closeness, because his listeners may immediately feel suspicious if the speaker jumps into immediacy behaviours without preamble.
A speaker can set the tone for immediacy by preparing his audience with stories that elicit empathy, stories that show the humanity in him and others.
"Anne flings open the door of Peter's room, making a dramatic entrance." and "Peter look her in fury."
"Anne flings open the door of Peter's room, making a dramatic entrance." and "Peter look her in fury." show direct comments by the playwrights of Peter's and Anne's thoughts and feelings.
Through these lines, we can conclude that Anne is trying to annoy Peter by wearing his clothes and making a dramatic entrance to his room while Peter seems to be vexed and irritated by Anne's constant disturbance and chattering.