The passage compared and contrasted the forest to his personal life. (I think)
The opening chapter of the book Frindle focuses on introducing us to the main character Nick Allen, an imaginative boy who likes to brighten up his school by figuring out unique and unusual ideas, an example would be that in 3rd grade, he turned the classroom into a tropical island by making paper palm trees and having everyone wear beach clothes.
The ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our intellectual wellness. Say if you want to be a Doctor, or an Artist. You have to go out and learn those things/requirements to become what you want to be and not what other's say what you shold be. Its all about your own mind set and what you think is best for you, you can go out and even be successful at a young age. All I gotta say is.. . Let your mind be free and reach your top goals, if something gets in your way you have to power through them. And keep on going.
by varying sentences to create a specific rhythm
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