Abraham Lincoln's Gettysbury Address is perhaps the most iconic and famous speeches in the history of the United States.
It the address took place just 4 and a half months after the end of the Civil War, at the time when the United States was struggling to find a national way forward.
The aim of the Address was to provide hope to the American people and give them a vision of a brighter future. It was addressed both at the Southerners and the people in the North.
A whole generation had seen war, death and misery and the future for many, was not so great.
The overall message of the address was to tell every American, that their right to life, liberty and freedom will be respected and that their country will keep on prospering.
The address wanted people to look at the end of the Civil War as an opportunity for a New America.
Gods were jealous of they suspended Answer:
It can be described as chromatic so it should be the last one.
That would be the Anti-Federalists who strongly favored them. They were created by John Adams. Hope this helps!
from the given set of options, the most suitable answer would be,
"Democratic governments, in general, respect and protect human rights more than other forms of government."
Since the end of the 2nd world war, after the world polarized clearly into Democratic and Communist sides, USA sought to encourage the spread of communism and thwart the growth of communism.
This was mainly because the, non-democratic, totalitarian regimes of communism was well-known for breaches of human rights.
Moreover, communism enforced command economies and was a major threat to the free trade and free market economic system. This threatened the US Economy and the way of life.