Answer: You should write about the weather. look up weather in India its probably to hot or to cold right now. right now it is 83 degrees. its really hot there. talk about the storms or something. hoped this sorta helped.
It permits an individual
to subordinate more in order to access to information from the way you word the
question. An augmented environment has been established to be significant
to perceptive development generally, and the expansion of high intelligence in
particular, but critical thinking is something that desires to be taught. It
cannot be associated with intelligence.
Compunere – Primăvara
Se aud glasurile duioase ale păsărelelor. Își vestesc una alteia bucuria venirii primăverii. Zboară de pe un ram pe altul, căutând-și cuibul. Pomii, stropiți cu flori plăpânde își lasă crengile purtate de adierea blândă a vântului. Razele domoale ale soarelelui mângâie primii muguri ce dau să pocnească și își scot la iveală verdele crud, iar firul ierbii se frânge sub greutatea picăturilor de rouă.