Bill Clinton was the first President from the Democratic party in more than a decade and the first President to take office since the Collapse of the Soviet Union.
In this first speech, he mentioned how the cold-war had ended and that Americans can look forward to a bright future.
However, he also mentioned how the government still has a lot of work to do, not just internationally but domestically.
His overall message was of hope and promise. He was the first President of the Sole Super Power of the World and he believed America was in the perfect position to take up global leadership.
The total range of energy which reaches the Earth from the Sun is called the solar spectrum
did you want it in long or short??
New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health. The new farming techniques also led to an enclosure movement.
The phrase "who governs less governs better" implies that any government that stays out of establishing unnecessary, bureaucratic or restrictive regulations or standards regarding the exercise of political and economic freedoms of citizens and companies of the country will obtain a better result in your government than those governments that do otherwise. This, indeed, is true, given that the governments that interfere the least in the private economy are those that have the best economic results at the end of their mandates.
Regarding Hoover's phrase, it is fallacious. Capitalism does not produce greed, but allows anyone who strives and directs his efforts towards personal growth to do so, without having a socialist state that restricts that growth through the collection of excessive taxes or the confiscation of profits.