Yes, I believe he was treated fairly by the Gods. They are Gods after all and aren't human, so you can't judge them as you would a human. That would make no sense. So, for THEM, yes, they were most fair. They kept him alive after all, and even though it took him 20 years, he did get home. You'll find more by Googling the above.
Annotating means to make small notes over the article. You can underline important info and make questions that you may need to clarify. Sorry, but I doubt that anyone here is going to fully do your homework assignment.
discreet- careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
"we made some discreet inquiries"
It wearies by the constant strain after effect, its mock-heroics and allusive periphrasis, and excites distrust by its want of moderation.