Wind power has gain interest in the last decade because it is one of few very clean renewable energy sources. There are countries, like the US that have large open spaces with excellent winds that are favorable for building large wind parks. The only downside of this source is that wind parks take a large amount of space, and it the US those are even build on the Native American Sacred Ground. On the other hand Nuclear Power Plant, is less clean and more dangerous. Nuclear Plant does not emit any CO2 in the air, but it does have a higly toxic waste and it is potentialy dangerous if the malfunction occurs. Nuclear waste is radioactive and it is the most dangerous for humans. In the countries that have less wind power, these plants are an option, as in France for example.
The answer is feedback from a peer, coach, or teacher
Answer: The correct answer is : The principle of judicial restraint.
Explanation: The judicial restraint refers to the conviction that it would be excellent for judges to limit the use of their power to revoke laws or declare them unconstitutional except when there is any contradiction with the constitution.