<span>1 is the correct answer the Democrats blamed the Republicans for the Stock Market crash of 1929.</span>
Answer: changes in structure
Pauline Boss describes stress that occurs in families when a member is added or subtracted as normative stress due to changes in structure. Families continuously change structure over time due to births or adoptions, deaths, and marriages and this can create a shifting reality of who belongs to the family or not.
While some families handle this change in structure well, others cannot cope and may spiral into dysfunction.
determining laws' constitutionality.
There are three branches in the Federal government in United States. They are ---
- Executive branch
- Judiciary branch
The Legislative branches of the Federal government makes laws for the citizen of the country.
The Executive branch executes the laws made by the Legislature, it also appoints various ministers to look after the interests of the nation.
The Judicial branch looks whether the laws made are constitutionally correct or not. It can interpret laws if it is unconstitutional.
All the three branches of the Federal government keeps a check on one another.
The Judicial branch sees if any laws passed by the legislature is violating the constitution or not. It can reject a law and can make it null and void if the law passed by the government violates any rights provided by the Constitution of America. It have the power to approve a law or reject a law based on the Constitution of America.
Hence the answer is ---
determining laws' constitutionality.
Answer: projection
Explanation: According to psychoanalytic theory, projection simply means subconsciously denying and attributing one's feelings, behavior or attitude to others. It is described a defense mechanism whereby an individual unknowingly attributes an unwanted characteristics in them to others.
According to the instance above, Abdul is subconsciously attributing his hostile character to his classmates.