It can affect the dogs diet and can eventually become bad if given too much
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Pinching in of fluids by a unicellular organism is the process of pinocytosis or fluid endocytosis. The cell takes in surrounding fluids, including all of the substances available, without differentiating. It is a non-specific process. The membrane of the unicellular organism elongates, captures the fluid and small vesicles are pinched off intracellularly. These vesicles then are processed by the organelles of the cell.
This process is called sensory transduction.
The sensory information is received by a sensory receptor, converted to an electrical signal and transmitted to the brain for interpretation or perception.
Further Explanation:
Neurons have unique structures which aid in facilitating communication by sending and receiving electrical signals very efficient. Parts of a neuron are separated into the
- dendrites which receive messages from other neurons allowing them to pass and some of the cell body which contains typical cell components like the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
- The axon is an insulated (by the myelin sheath) tubular structure which acts as a bridge to price impulses to other neurons these also contain axon hillocks which are junctions between the axon and cell body
- Synapses are junctions where axons connect to dendrites of other neurons at these junctions chemical reactions occur in order to facilitate the passage of information as chemical signals.
- There are several neuron types which include sensory motor and interneurons which bridge the two.
At synaptic junctions, transduction of the sensory signal to an electrical one begins with membrane depolarization:
- a receptor potential is generated when the dentrite experiences a disturbance, such as changes in pressure at the receptor due to touch.
- this opens ion channels in the related sensory neuron, where the electrical potential or membrane potential depolarizes the neuron.
- at a large enough depolarization, in response to the strength of the stimuli (receptor potentials are graded) the neuron produces an action potential.
- The action potential travels along the membrane until the synapse where it’s electrical depolarization leads to the opening of channels allowing only sodium ions to enter
- these flow through a presynaptic membrane until the concentration is built up, activating ion sensitive proteins attached to vesicles containing neurotransmitters
- this leads to changes in the proteins leading to the fusion with the membrane of the presynaptic cell, so vesicles are open and neurotransmitter is released. The neurotransmitter diffuses across to chemical receptors on the presynaptic cell where they bind temporarily
- This leads to activation of specific complexes, enabling the transmission of information. Thus, the chemical signal is transferred through this neuron as an electrical impulse which travels along neurons in this manner til they reach the CNS.
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