one line, two dots, and one number, the number five
in the blank with the conjugation of the verb in the passé composé.
Write ONLY the two words that make up the passé composé. Accents do
1. Michel a invité toute sa famille pour son anniversaire.
2. Les enfants ont terminé leurs devoirs.
3. Tu as étudié pour ton examen.
4. Nous avons fait de la randonnée hier.
5. J' ai parlé au téléphone hier soir.</span>
These questions are about you, I can't answer them but I can translate them for you:
1) How many members does your family consist of?
2) Do you like living in a big(in number) family, or a small one?
3) Do you have any sisters or brothers? Or are you the only child?
4) Are you the oldest? The middle child? Or the youngest?
5) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
6) Do you have a pet in your house?
7) Do you help your mom with chores?
Next, it says write an email to your friend Paul to talk to him about your family and about the relationship with your parents/your siblings(if you have any), if you have any pets, and how you help your mom in house chores.
Next, it just has some vocabulary to help you write.
Finally, in the boxes, it says "Bonne relation." Which means good relation. And next to it it says "Mauvais relation" Which means Bad or not a really good relationship.
Hope this helps and if you need anything else I can help, I speak French!
Samedi, je me reveillerai à 9:30 et je mangerai avec ma famille. Ensuite, je étudierai pour l'examen de SAT. Si j'ai le temps, je pratiquera le piano.
Dimanche je me reveillerai à la même heure et je passerai du temps avec mes amis.
Mon père jouait au golf avec ses amis et mon frère jouait à un jeu avec ses potes. Finalement, ma mère déjeunait avec son ami. Ensuite à dix heures nous dinerons ensemble, regarderons un film, et nous endormirons.
Since etre is an irregular verb, the forms are completely different. You change it when the person you are speaking about (he, she, they, we...) changes.
I am = Je suis
You are = Tu es
He is = Il est
She is = Elle est
We are = Nous sommes
You are = Vous êtes
They are = Ils sont
They are =Elles sont
Hope it helps! If possible, could you please give Brainliest? Thanks! :D