Hanks papa osix Kai because
So I can’t really draw anything for you but I can give you a translation.
“To get to my castle, you go straight at the crossroads. You turn right at the cafe and then you turn left at the pool. You pass between the hotel and the restaurant, then you turn right. And here it is, my castle“
So draw a straight line going up, then turning right at a little cafe, then left at a pool, keep it going straight and put a hotel and restaurant on both sides of the line, then one more right turn and draw the castle :) add anything else you think it needs!
1) Oui j'irai vers 19h30
2) Oui, il va venir me rejoindre
3) Non, je rentrerai pour 16h
4) Non, il a abandonner l'idée
5) Non, ils se réuniront demain soir
"Ça ne va pas" means it doesn't fit
Pourquoi means why. Je suis is passe compose in etre. Une pomme de terre means potato. You NEED a verb.(Ex. Je suis couper le pomme de terre.) I cut the potato. Plus you need to know when to use passe compse avoir and etre. As well as Imparfait if you are talking about the past. Trust me I am in french 3.