The Gilded Age is a period in American society (1870-1900) with rapid economic growth but also characterised by corruption, materialism, monopoly businesses and growing inequality. ... One of the defining elements of the Gilded Age was the railroad industry
So the manchus formed the Qing Dynasty of China from 1644-1912.
That's a long time XD
the Manchus took advantage of the rebellion and chaos in the Chinese empire and moved south. Forming an alliance with a Ming loyalist general, they entered Beijing in June and almost immediately took power for themselves.
if you can't peacefully solve a complication, military action or war may be necessary
1)Bring relative advanced knowledge/conception to China.
Consession or leased territory is the window to show Western civilization.
2)Break the self-block made by Qing Dynasty, collapsing natural economy and monarchy.
3)They harm China, waking Chinese up.
4)New science and technology are passed into China
Explanation:Casein is the main protein in milk. There is no strong evidence to show this causes cancer in humans. Although dairy products contain hormones, this is very small compared to the amount produced naturally by the body. There is no strong evidence to show that hormones in milk could go on to cause cancer.