In amendment two third of the total senate and house representatives rectified the bill to date have been proposed. Up to the date 27 amendments were approved.
In 1789 it was decided that how a amendment would become a part of the constitution. All 27 amendments were rectified in the presence of two third of senate and house representatives. For final approval it need to go through a voting system including the members of the senate.
Congress has the final power of giving approval of the appeal made by two third member of the legislative members. Two ways of proposing an amendment either to call two third member for voting or to call them for a national convention.
Some schools require that if a student is found to be in possession of a firearm or other weapon on campus, the student be automatically expelled. This is an example of a <u>zero tolerance policy.</u>
Gun violence in schools across the US has been a festering problem. Zero tolerance policies have been one approach towards addressing this issue. Under this policy, students who violate school safety rules are automatically expelled.
Common cases in which this policy applied are with respect to violence, drug use, and the possession of a firearm or other weapon on campus.
This policy was sought to be given legal form through the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, which mandated a one year expulsion of students found possessing firearms in school.
To learn more about issue of zero tolerance policy in schools:
A veteran is a former member of the Armed Forces of the United State (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Crops, and Coast Guard) who served on active duty and was discharged under conditions, which were other than dishonorable
Samuel Adams was agitated by the presence of regular soldiers in the town. He and the leading Sons of Liberty publicized accounts of the soldiers’ brutality toward the citizenry of Boston. On February 22, 1770 a dispute over non-importation boiled over into a riot. Ebenezer Richardson, a customs informer was under attack. He fired a warning shot into the crowd that had gathered outside of his home, and accidentally killed a young boy by the name of Christopher Sneider. Only a few weeks later, on March 5, 1770, a couple of brawls between rope makers on Gray’s ropewalk and a soldier looking for work, and a scuffle between an officer and a whig-maker’s apprentice, resulted in the Boston Massacre. In the years that followed, Adams did everything he could to keep the memory of the five Bostonians who were slain on King Street, and of the young boy, Christopher Sneider alive. He led an elaborate funeral procession to memorialize Sneider and the victims of the Boston Massacre. The memorials orchestrated by Samuel Adams, Dr. Joseph Warren, and Paul Revere reminded Bostonians of the unbridled authority which Parliament had exercised in the colonies. But more importantly, it kept the protest movement active at a time when Boston citizens were losing interest.