Check for capitalization or something like that
Taxation without representation, the colonists were taxed by the British without the Colonists own government being consulted. Another reason was the that the British did not allow the Colonists to move into the newly aquired area of the northwest region(Ohio, Kentucky etc.), because the British promised the area to the Native Americans. And may I note the Colonists actually considered themselves to be British.
Overproduction can cause downfalls, due to the fact that there's too much production, and during the Great Depression most people did not have jobs, and struggled with economy.
Both the statements are correct about the concept of 'per capita income'. It means same even if it is calculated at the NDP, GNP and NNP levels. It is just an average and hardly says anythings about the real level incomes of the individuals.
D. dominated Greece for a number of years