Redemption is possible.
Explanation: When you lie once are you a bad person? No, this is because you can better yourself as a person. You can learn to do better. We have asylums for the criminally insane to redeem themselves and cases have proven people can quite certainly change.
Christianity, Individualism and the growing secularism
Christianity took an important role during renaissence. During this time, it took the form of Christian Humanism in the sense that in the European Middle Ages there was a strong tendency to despise human affairs. It means that People were more focused on God and in the afterlife. However, in the Renaissence people started to reject those ideas and started to focus on culture and the human development in this life. This is called secularism. We have to remember that there was the beginning of the protestant reform with Martin Luther in Germany and Henry VIII who was a strong character in the Reform movement. He was the most absolute monarch of that time. Because the Catholic Church didn't give him the anullment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, he appointed himself the supreme head of the Church of England and took many properties of the Catholic church. The picture "The moneylender and his wife" painted by Quentin Matsys depicts very much this time. There is a woman in this picture with a Bible and there is a man weighing jewels and pieces of gold. We could say that the woman represents the Christian Humanism and the man represents secularism.
"Natures First Green Is Gold," indicates nature's first green is youth, because every living thing begins with youth.
"Her Hardest Hue To Hold," represents that youth is very hard to keep because they get older in age.
This poem has 2 meanings, Good things never last forever, and youth and innocence. That life may seem perfect when going right, but this won't stay forever. Every living things is beautiful, and every beautiful things may eventually die. Robert Frost is saying good things will not stay forever. Many times in a person's life there will be unhappiness and sorrow, the good times will end. Even though the great times will end. Even though the great times come to an end, they will be followed by more great times.
The rhetorical technique used in this excerpt is a. shift.
Shift as a rhetorical technique refers to a change in the mood, style, or tone of what is being said. It is usually started with a conjunction that expresses such alteration and contrast, such as "yet", "but", "although", etc. In this particular speech, the initial mood is one of sadness and exhaustion. Churchill focuses on the disasters, the dangers, and the losses the war brought. From the moment he says "yet" on, however, the mood shifts to a positive, assertive one, in which he tells us about the high morale of the Allies. Against all odds, in contrast with everything that had been said, we are now told the Allies kept their spirits up.