The Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor
The population density of Canada is 4 people/km².
The most densely-populated urban areas are Vancouver and Montreal (4800/km²).
The most densely populated region of Canada (80/km²) is the Quebec-City-Windsor Corridor. It contains almost half the population of Canada.
There are two main reasons for this.
(a) Climate
The region is entirely below the 47th parallel, so the summers are warm, the winters are not harsh, and the area is suitable for agriculture.
(b) Location
The corridor is close to the border with the United States and carries the bulk of Canada's trade with them. It makes sense for people to live as close to the US border as possible.
A rugged area with large variations in elevation would have high relief, whereas a relatively flat location would have low relief.
Maps that capture data approximately alleviation are termed topographic maps. Maximum geologic maps include topographic information inside the form of contour strains.
Comfort is the distinction between lowest and highest elevation in a location. Only a few surfaces on the earth are genuinely flat. We describe deviations from flatness as relief.
Similarly to showing absolute elevation, contour strains, by means of their spacing, monitor the steepness of slopes at a look. On a steep slope, they have got close collectively.
To learn more about variation in elevation