A declining population poses serious labour deficiency problems in an economy.
It also strains the economy as more and more of the population become dependent. They either depends on social security fund or on their relatives.
Population decline also decreases investments in the countries as it diminshes the market for goods and inhibits new ideas.
the mountainous west, the Great Plains, the Canadian Shield, the varied eastern region, and the Caribbean, and coastal plains
The largest stadium in the United States is the Michigan Stadium
This is False. Their is a lot of oil in that area and as they where mining and collecting the oil the use of old equipment caused busted lines and leaked oils and other stuff in the sea.
There is no exact definition where that boundary lies but the high latitude is situated around the 60° magnetic latitude and higher; the middle latitudes between the 50° and 60° magnetic latitude and everything below the 50° magnetic latitude is considered to be in the category of low latitude. When geomagnetic activity is low, the aurora typically is located, in the hours around midnight, at about 67 degrees magnetic latitude.