Dear Editor.
My name is Tanvi and I decided to write this letter to report a serious situation that is happening in our community and I believe that in many others scattered in New Delhi. This situation is the constant attack on the elderly.
As we know, the elderly deserve respect and peace, since they work and worked hard to create the country in which we live. Many elderly people live alone for several reasons, mainly due to family abandonment, which is already a stressful situation for them who need to rest and have a peaceful life. The elderly, in general, are fragile and living alone leaves them extremely vulnerable, which allows evildoers to attack them.
Most of these malefactors want to steal something of value from the elderly, placing them in a situation of extreme stress and even acting with physical violence against them.
These attacks happen frequently in our region. For this reason, I would like to ask you to inform your audience about this problem, making them aware and allowing them to draw the attention of the authorities in relation to this.
I know that you will be helping the elderly in our community in the best possible way and I thank you for your time.
J. Tanvi
Yes, you would.
You should always include an address.
Dear (friends name),
(F/N), You wouldn’t believe it! Yesterday night, I watched a movie called A Silent Voice which is a anime movie. I remember once that you mentioned it and I said I’d get back to you on my review of it. I actually really loved it. It was so sad and I can’t believe Shoya bullied Shouko just because of her hearing aids. When shoya mom came to apologize to Shouko, I didn’t think much of it until she came back and her ear was bleeding. The whole movie was beautifully written but depressing at the same time. I don’t think I can think of fireworks the same way now’s a great scene, don’t get me wrong. However the scene was dark and I didn’t want either of them to die. I really love this movie now so thanks again for recommending it to me. Also on a side note, we should visit soon! It’s been too long since we last saw each other. I got a new movie to watched called (insert favorite movie)! I think you’ll like it!!
Sincerely: (Y/N)! You’re best bro!!
The purpose is to B. Tell a story