It Does
Actually it describes how people is becoming less happy, how their smiles are being removed from their faces, in the perception of the writer the city was amazing just as American people think the country, it is represented by the feeling of victory that the author names the triumph felt. As in the representation of the boy who is looked in a room, it can be said that we nowadays have as well things that prefer to ignore or visit vaguely to see how defective we are in deep. He can be also a representation of happiness, and how we have killed or hidden it in order to have a bright and supposedly happy life, but if we made all these fears or dreams come out they could end our comfort.
Are you seriously asking people to write sentences for you so you can pass them off as your own? Deal with this yourself.
among many who have been killed because Stand Your Ground law.
In the article "Jordan Davis's Mother: Don't Use My Son's Death to Expand Stand Your Ground" author Lucy McBath describes how people try to get away with law bill because Lucy McBath's son is among many who have been killed because of Stand Your Ground law.
McBath develops the fact that her son's killer spending life time in prison through the provision of Stand Your Ground law is not how justice should be served.
Stating, "Don't you dare use my son's name to justify your support for this reckless bill." This shows that the bill is not to be used as an example of securing justice because the criminal does not really get acquitted with the right punishment.
Furthermore, the author states, "Stand Your Ground laws make all of us more vulnerable to the threat of gun violence, but they also have a disproportionate impact on communities of color."
This evidence develops the central idea because many people use this law as a defence card after they are charged with murder or violence.
In the end, it is all about a mother losing a child to a reckless law which could've been avoided if lawmakers understood the grief of gun violence.
the writter was bored and lovely
2...the writter was trying to say..we should make our loved ones happy and show them love before death takes us away from them and death
inform me when am wrong