It was rich in almost everything
B - to define his democratic principles
Dr. Martin Luther King shows his democratic principles in this exerpt in his use of the words "rise from the bondage of myths and half truths' as well as 'the need to 'help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice' through nonviolence.
Falling Action of the story:
Charles was stuck on Camazotz and the only person who could save him was Meg. Meg went back to Camazotz alone to save her brother from IT. She used her love for her brother to rescue him from IT's hold.
Part of the story is that photography, film, and television made it possible to present ... In doing so, she finds the book behind Montag's pillow and tries to call ... Montag asks how someone like Clarisse could exist, and Beatty says the ... altogether in favor of other, more superficial, sensory-stimulating media.
She realizes she is a person who can live a different life.