dear blah blah blah ,
i think it is a really bad idea to let you drive till your 18 because
kids need freedom and it a good idea to let lem drive when ther 16
what if their i need to go to the hospital they don have a phone and no one around and they need to drivem there self or someone else to the hostiple then when there 18 that person could be dead or omething so i think it is a good idea to let kids drive when there 16
sencirly blah blah balh
A free summary of The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. Once the ship arrives in Wethersfield, Kit must fess up: her aunt's family. New information: Kit learns that Nat, the captain's son, is also a friend of . Well, as luck would have it, John confesses to Kit one day that he is also in love with Mercy
hope this helps
B.It seemed to excuse the speaker.
A farce is a type of play that is actually quite similar to
the comedy movies of today. There is
little seriousness within a farce, and it is often characterized by brash humor
or slapstick humor. The situational
settings within a farce are so outlandish that they could safely be understood
to probably never happen in the real world.