Akka. Speaking of high concurrency tools written in Scala, Akka is an extremely fast, extremely concurrent framework for building distributed applications. ... Similar to Finagle, Akka is written in Scala and provides both Scala and Java APIs.
SSD stands for system sequence diagrams. SSd diagrams <span>model the interactions between objects in a single use case and illustrate how the different parts of a </span>system<span> interact with each other </span>
On an SSD, a dashed arrow usually represents an object. SSD <span>depicts the </span>objects<span> and classes involved in the scenario and the </span>sequence<span> of messages exchanged between the </span><span>objects.</span>
answer is B :)
Moore's Law states that we can expect the speed and capability of ... will double about every two years
i think so if you have a question?????
diablo ka
weightPound = float(input("Enter your weight in pounds "))
heightInches = float(input("Enter your height in inches "))
weightKg = weightPound*0.453592
heightMeter = heightInches*0.0254
BodyMassIndex = weightKg/(heightMeter*heightMeter)
print("Your Weight in kilograms is: ")
print("Your Height in meters is: ")
print("Your Body Mass Index is: ")
- Above is a Python Script to accomplish the task
- See attached image for the program output.
- Observe that we used the formula weight/height*height to calculate the Body Mass Index
- Observe also the conversion from pounds to Kilogram and inches to meters