Swapping two numbers means exchange the values of two variables with each other.
Dukono is an active volcano located in the northern part of Halmahera island, Indonesia. It has a broad profile and is capped by compound craters.
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An active heat sync will keep a computer cool and basically cool the CPU and processors. A passive heat sink will only cool the CPU and whatever else it needs to cool when the CPU actually NEEDS to be cooled. I am not sure if this is all correct but I know about basic heat syncs and from my understanding this is right.
The exercise contains 15 questions. The solution is provided for each question.
Each question contains the necessary skills you need to learn.
I have added tips and required learning resources for each question, which helps you solve the exercise. When you complete each question, you get more familiar with a control structure, loops, string, and list.
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Also, try to solve the basic Python Quiz for beginners
Exercise 1: Given two integer numbers return their product. If the product is greater than 1000, then return their sum
Reference article for help:
Accept user input in Python
Calculate an Average in Python
Given 1:
number1 = 20
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 600
Given 2:
number1 = 40
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 70