The last of a series of causes, although not necessarily the proximate cause,of an effect or result... Furthermore,the effect or result produced by the proximate cause would have occurred even if there would be a subsequent action,event or force that contributed to the eventual effect or result
those poor Esgaroth people. Assuming Erebor is mainly composed of Volcanic igneous rock, I'm guessing that Smaug's fire is cooler than 1200 degC, since he didn't melt the tunnel the Dwarves were hiding in. Most minerals that comprise igneous rock begin to become molten before temperatures reach ~1200 degC.
C) I would say. You can learn many things from rollercoasters, like how much mass they can hold. The distance they go in a daily trip. Rollercoasters can be of use for science for a fun learning experience!
That is incorrect subject-verb agreement. 'Get' should not be singular, 'gets', instead of plural 'get' (that is the way with verbs).
Because he is a bad person who is represented in a good way