I don't think we should becuase our countrydoes not have enough money to afford multiple nuclear reactors and also the chances of a meltdown are highher then you think, also places like chernobyl still have high traces of radiation so if htere is one it could be centuries until its actually safe to be around that area again
This question is about the poem “One Today” by Richard Blanco.
Answer and Explanation:
1. The poem's details present Americans as workers from the most different sectors, from those who work in professions that we recognize as well as those who build bridges, who make newspapers, who clean tables, among other less admired service workers, but still essential for the country. With that, the poet showed that each American is important in a unique and unique way.
2. In addition to joint cooperation between individuals, the poet recognizes the ability to generate connections, among Americans, through mourning. This can be seen when he refers to the armed massacres that took place in schools and caused the death of many children. The mourning of the children's families establishes a connection with the whole country, which is also in mourning.
Details about the topic that convince the reader to look at your point of view.
Problem and solution. the problem is too many students at the high school, their solutions are sending them to the nearby middle school and bringing in portables.
The single word is "messages": the single word that provides the best synonym or functional equivalent for the term communication is "messages".
Based on Griffin’s definition, communication is the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a response; in this definition, the word “messages “provides the best synonym for the term “communication “. Generally, theorists use the word “communication” as a synonym for a message.