Sentences with errors in parallel structure have conflicting tense and structure. The correct answer is C.
The letter 'e'
The last letter of time is e & the first letter of eternity, again is e. Every week has 4 e's & there's only one e in "a thousand years"
Summary: Chapter 27. By the middle of October, Bob Ewell gets a job with the WPA, one of the Depression job programs, and loses it a few days later. He blames Atticus for “getting” his job. ... Both Atticus and Aunt Alexandra are too tired to attend the festivities, so Jem takes Scout to the school.
(Hope it helps)
By showing that he is thinking about injustice and
compassion on a worldwide scale, Wiesel established ethos by mentioning other
human rights figures such as Nelson Mandela.
To add, Eliezer "Elie" Wiesel KBE was a
Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel
Laureate and Holocaust survivor.
The word swims, if you read it upside down and backwards