6-me meto o entro
7- ver
8- fortalece
9- puedan
10- ser
11- te enteres
12- puede
13- hable
14- Mande
15- cuenta
16- puede
17- uses
18- hagas
19- fortalecer
20- llama
21- ver
22- guste
23- puedas
24- hables
25- mándale
26- fortalezca.
1. Como es miguel, bueno o malo
2. donde vive anita
3. cuantas oruguitas hay?
4. quien es asqueroso
5. cuando termina el examen?
causes of armed robbery in my country usually are for money. when people don't have any money they rob Banks to get money. normally people don't die cuz they're just after the money but if someone tries to do something they might get shot. in this case most people don't get away with armed robbery because of our police force. so most people don't try armed robbery but those you do normally get arrested.
A. cuaderno de dibujo, lapices de color