Evaluate each expression means... give a brief explanation of what the expression states.
A tragic hero is a hero that was born to be a noble. They heroic qualities since birth. The tragic part would be a supernatural force or a god-like force acting against him (cause how many heroines do you see). The hero has trouble against said forces and wins against them, making us like him. A good example would be Odysseus from the Odyssey.
The correct answer is D. una merienda.
The question is - what might students be seen eating during the Spanish Club party? And the answer is <em>una merienda, </em>which means <em>snacks. </em>Tomamos is a form of the verb <em>tomar, </em>which means to take; <em>juntos </em>means together; el viernes means Friday.
So, having that in mind, the only option that makes sense is D.