The main difference between attribute data and spatial data is that the attribute data describes the characteristics of a geographical feature while spatial data describes the absolute and relative location of geographic features.
1. A
2. One side of the Earth is facing the sun, while another isn't.
3. The Earth is tilted on it's axis which is how we experience seasons.
4. 2 since it's directly across from the sun but is still facing the sun.
5. The Northern hemisphere since the intensity of the sun is slightly greater than 3.
6. Michigan experiences Winter while Argentina experiences Summer because they are on the opposite sides of the world. Argentina has the most intensity of light from the sun compared to Michigan, the seasons rely on the tilt of the Earth on it's axis.
The Answer is second option (Tombouctou).
we know as per The Bible that misogyny is thought hatred of women or prejudice against girls or women.
as Jacob Esau and Jacob both twins are the son of Isaac and Rebekah was the ultimate example of affection of mother to his son
so here Rebekah abets Jacob in receiving his father blessing disguised as Escue
so here we cay given statement is true