The sentence that most reflects Frankenstein's creature's feelings regarding the reaction of people around him is the following: "The monster asks Frankenstein to create a companion creature for him, so he won’t feel so lonely in the world." By the time the crature requests that a companion be created for him, he has experienced rejection by the family in the cottage, to whom he had been kind, as well as that of his own creator; he knows that only another creature like himself will be capable of accepting him.
The setting in this poem includes both time and place. The author first gives us a sense of both mood and time with the first line:
"Once upon a midnight dreary,"
We as readers are then told that the author/narrator is in his study, as evidence is given of the books, the bust of Pallas, and the other ecoutrements that lend themselves to studious labors. We are certain that this is, at the very least, a room, as Poe refers to his "chamber door" multiple times throughout the poem. In closing, we can conclude that this poem is set in the 1800s, on a dark and stormy night, in the author's place of academic study and leisure.
<u><em>Non-pharmacological treatment for ADHD
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurobiological disorder originating in childhood that involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity and / or impulsivity, and that is often associated with other comorbid disorders. The core symptoms of ADHD are independent of each other.
wealth or are intellectually superior.