A Law is a set of rules accepted by the country, whereas code is a standard accepted by an individual, society, or a class.
In "To Kill A Mockingbird," in chapter 20, Mayella breaks both "law" and "code."
She breaks law by giving false statement against Tom in the court. And she broke the code, by tempting a Negro.
She accused Tom, who is black, of ra-pe and on the other hand, she lu-sts after a black man. However, breaking of law is more powerful because it involves punishment whereas breaking of code does not.
"there is a last sweet and kind,
was never face so pleased my mind
I did but see her passing by
and yet I love her till I die
a diagram
a diagram uses pictures to draw, explain, and reason using pictures
I think it is a prediction of what is going to happen in the next chapter.