If you have related data stored in multiple tables, create a Data model to<span> produce a pivot table on the combined data.
In computer term, data model refers to how each data are connected to one another and how those connections are being processed within the Sysyem</span>
Solid Fill is one color used throughout the entire slide. It is possible to apply solid colors to the objects inside your slides, it may be line or fill. Usually in a powerpoint background, solid fill is used to make the presentable presentable.
It is a text cursor, also known as a caret
Having a proper firewall that could prevent cyber attacks against black hat hackers, And having good cyber team that has had extensive training and know hows the network operates to ensure smooth sailing for the workers and students. (extra) Ensuring your staff understands the cyber war and knows not to click on malicious links that could allow a cyber crminal in to the network.
BlackHat- Individual that uses his knowlage of computers for malicious use.
Firewall- Enitial intrance into a computer it is a piece of software that have expressions to ensure you are only getting traffic that you have specified on the system and not allowing all traffic on all ports