It should be true, hopefully I’m right
Recently, with the new and advanced hacking algorithms and affordable high-performance computers available to adversaries, the 36 character computer suggested passwords can easily be insecure.
The 8 length passwords generated pseudo-randomly by computers are not secure as there are new algorithms like the brute force algorithm that can dynamically obtain the passwords by looping through the password length and comparing all 36 characters to get the right one.
And also, the use of high-performance computers makes these algorithms effective
=Tight coupling between components, as everything is in one application.
=Less reusability.
=Large code base; tough for developers and QA to understand the code and business knowledge.
=Less Scalable.
=Does not follow SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
=More deployment and restart times.
convince the software company of the issue
Plan the script, characters, and how the game is played